Garden Club
Come Join
Seven Oaks Garden Club
The Garden Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 12:00 PM in the auditorium for a Potluck luncheon (except July and August).  Our annual dues for residents are $20.00.  Non-residents pay $25.00 a year.
Following the luncheon we have a speaker with an interesting talk or demonstration on a specific subject.  Afterward we can ask questions or present any problems.   
In May the club sponsors a tour of local gardens open to all residents and non-residents. The first Saturday in December, we participate in an annual fundraiser selling plants at the Seven Oaks Craft Sale. As a group, we may also tour homes of Master Gardeners, nurseries, Balboa Park or attend a flower arranging show.   Gardening is not only a great hobby but beautifies our yards.  It is fun to grow plants and easy vegetables and enjoy their superb flavor.  With our mild climate some plants will thrive all year, so its not a seasonal event.   There is great satisfaction in learning from others or passing on our expertise.
Select here to fill out a form to be a member of the Garden Club.
For more information please use the Contact Us link above, and select Club - Garden Club.
White flowers with yellow centers
Next  Meeting.
 Wednesday, March 5th at Noon
You will not want to miss this month's speaker from Atkinson Plumeria Farm.  Mike Atkinson will speak about "Growing Amazing Plumerias" and Plumerias 101.  Mike and his wife have had a Plumeria Farm since 1997 in East County San Diego.  He has been a speaker at the International Plumeria Conference and was featured on the PBS program "A Growing Passion".  Mike teaches Plumeria Workshops and was recently featured as a Plumeria expert on Martha Stewart's website.

The meeting and optional potluck start at 12 noon and the speaker starts at 1:00 pm.  Come before noon to mingle and meet new friends and neighbors.  If your last name begins with A through L bring a hot dish to share.  The rest please bring a salad or dessert.  Decaf Coffee and Tea will be provided.  If you do not want to participate in the potluck you are welcome to bring your own lunch.

New members, including residents outside of Seven Oaks, are welcome.  We'd love to have you join the longest standing club in Seven Oaks!
Select here to view the Newsletters.
Article in Pomerado News about our 60th Anniversary.
Select here to read.
Article in Pomerado News about the Garden Tour.
Select here to read.
Garden Club Photo Albums
Select here to view photos