The Architectural Committee has a very important function in any Common Interest Development. The Committee has the support of the Governing Documents and the Board of Directors and is charged with approving architectural modifications and responding to complaints and CC&R violations that are brought to its attention by residents via the Report of CC&R Violation Form.
Most of the work of the AC is directed towards the single family homes. If you are a Condo owner, please contact your management company for this service.
If you are planning a modification to your home's exterior or landscaping, please submit an Application for Architectural Modification Form prior to beginning the work. Please click
here for a selection of forms (online or hardcopy)
Note that failure to do this prior to modification approval may result in a $100.00 fine.
Any member of the Association may apply for a position on the AC by submitting a brief resume including any qualifications, your reasons for joining, and your experience. Choose Contact Us on the main menu above and send your information, questions, and thoughts to the Architectural Committee. We encourage members to become involved.
Please note that AC office hours vary. Any modification or complaint form can be dropped at the front office.
If you need to talk to an AC volunteer, please call 858-487-4058 Ext 3 and leave a message regarding your matter.
Candidate Requirements to be a Volunteer on the Architectural committee.
Please select
here for detailed requirements.
Please select
here for the Application to be on the committee.
Architectural Committee Resource Page
The Architectural Committee has compiled various resources to provide membership material , recommendations to desired plants, trees, and general care of your landscape.
here for the dedicated resource page.
AC Committee Members Only
Please select
here to access your dedicated webpage for Administrative Functions.
AC Office by Phone: |
(858) 487-4058 Ext.3 |
By email: |