If you have previously “opted-in” to receive information via email, you do not need to opt-in again.
To keep homeowners informed in an expeditious and cost-effective manner, the Board of Directors has established an email notification process that allows the association to send homeowners those official notifications (Annual Disclosures, etc.) allowed by law via email in lieu of USPS mail. Recent changes to the California rules governing homeowner’s associations allows this but it requires that individual homeowner OPT-IN for such notices. Homeowners who OPT-IN for email notices will receive those association mailings permitted by law by their provided email address. Note: some communications such as election ballots are required by Civil Code to be sent first class mail. Homeowners who OPT-IN for email notices will receive official notifications as well as informational email pertaining to the HOA. Homeowners will not be automatically added to the opt-in list if you have given us your email address in the past. It is required that you specifically acknowledge that you prefer to OPT-IN by submitting this form.
Please check the Opt-In box for Electronic Distribution and submit the required information below.
Note: Need to find your Lot Number?
(4 digits - 1-1767)
Please select
here to view a listing of all Lot numbers with addresses.
- For Microsoft Windows - Press CNTL F to open search window and then type in your street address.
- For Apple Operation Systems - Press COMMAND F to open search window and then type in your street address.